Its arrangement follows a sequence of concrete, minimal blocks amongst yards, gardens, and porches. Its stand-out feature are the traditional inner courtyards (patios), located at the back. In this completely secured and private area, amongst plants and flowers, small pools, outdoor kitchens and large dining areas, outdoor activities are carried out.
The choice of building materials, from the tall stone walls and yard gates, the carved stone blocks outlining the exterior, to the ceramic tile floors, cement mortar floors, the doors and windows, along with the wooden roofs, perfectly showcase the authentic Patmian architecture. All the above, creatively incorporate modern elements, furniture, and services, expressing the current trends in architecture and accommodation.
Each residence’s layout is unique with distinctive elements, even though they all share a common aesthetic style in their design. The residences alternate between studios and multiple-room flats, with large or smaller spaces, elegant bathrooms and kitchens, thus covering every possible residence option. Hand-picked art pieces, furniture, and appliances establish a highly personal environment, always offering a unique, pleasant visiting experience.
The main building material is, evidently, stone. Whether natural or bleached, it constantly transforms as the textured wall surfaces’ hue changes under the sun or the designated artificial lighting. The bright pastel window frames, the local plants, the paths that run from one building to another and the selected landscapes make up an enchanting habitat, each element reminiscent of an authentic island environment.